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The iconic band Queensrÿche visit Pustervik in Gothenburg this winter with their “The Origins Tour”.

1982 was the year Queensrÿche broke through the music world with their self-titled four-song EP. Since then, the band has influenced a large part of the prog genre and many others. Already after the first album “The Warning” and the follow-up “Rage For Order” they proved their worldwide dominance as one of the most respected and creative bands of the 80s.

If anyone had missed the greatness of Queensrÿche, it was quickly reversed with the release of their monumental album “Operation: Mindcrime”. It has become one of the top 10 best-selling concept albums of all time. Over the course of their career, the band has made it to many top charts and sold out hundreds of concerts worldwide. Not only that, they have also toured with bands such as Judas Priest, Metallica, Guns N’ Roses, Iron Maiden, and Def Leppard.

Get ready for a legendary night when Queensrÿche visit Pustervik on February 4. You don’t want to miss this!